I’ve worried about the wellbeing of the Badger mother since she was first captured on the trail camera with the drooping head and the muzzle open. Seems she’s still not recovered, as she continues to show the signs of exhaustion, but I no longer think she may be sick. I think she’s just really exhausted … Continue reading “Badger Mother Still Looks and Acts Exhausted, Hyperactive Cubs Won’t Give Her Break”
Tag: Sick Animal
One of Three European Badger Cubs Got Injured and Limps on Right Hind Leg
The three baby European Badgers (Meles Meles) are already being introduced to the world outside, but even though the sow lets them play on their own while she does work around the sett, they are still little and quite clumsy and unsteady on their feet. Perhaps that’s why one of them got injured and is … Continue reading “One of Three European Badger Cubs Got Injured and Limps on Right Hind Leg”
Badger Sow Is Worrying Me, Shows Signs of Being Unwell, Possibly Sick
The badger sow, mother of three beautiful and healthy cubs, started exhibiting the concerning signs of being unwell. I don’t know at this time what exactly is wrong with her and why she acts so sickly, but seeing how unwell she is made me worry. It truly gripped my heart watching the latest trail camera … Continue reading “Badger Sow Is Worrying Me, Shows Signs of Being Unwell, Possibly Sick”