The Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides Podalirius) is one of the largest butterflies in Central Europe. It was once quite bountiful, but is getting rarer and rarer. This year is a severe drought year, but despite the growing scarcity of the Scarce Swallowtail, I see them from time to time on the meadows. On my latest run … Continue reading “Scarce Swallowtails Pollinating Field Thistle with Widow-Maker Creaking in Background”
Category: Trees
Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa) – Hardy Bushes in Full Bloom
Even though I filmed this video very early in the season, when hardly anything else blooms, leastways not among the trees and bushes, Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa), also known as “Sloe” in England is all out. Yet in my climate, even though it’s technically already Spring, we get at best +6 degrees Celsius during the day, … Continue reading “Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa) – Hardy Bushes in Full Bloom”
Shikimic Acid and Other Health Benefits of Pine Needle Tea
I have a bunch of pine trees growing all around me. Most of them, the ones growing within the woods, are too tall and their crowns are at least a dozen meters off the ground. But the ones growing on the fringes of the forest have their crowns within easy reach and I regularly visit … Continue reading “Shikimic Acid and Other Health Benefits of Pine Needle Tea”
Alder Tree (Alnus sp.) – How to Identify and Know Difference from Hazel
The Alder (Alnus species) is a genus of a tree, or a shrub, belonging to the Birch family (Betulaceae). There are a few dozen species of the Alder growing around the world. Here in Central Europe, three species occur natively: Green Alder (Alnus Alnobetula), Grey Alder (Alnus Incana) and Black Alder (Alnus Glutinosa). The Black … Continue reading “Alder Tree (Alnus sp.) – How to Identify and Know Difference from Hazel”
European Larch (Larix Decidua) – Conifer That Sheds Leaves Like Deciduous Trees
In this video I introduce the European Larch (Larix Decidua) – a remarkable coniferous tree, one of few conifers which shed leaves (or in this case – needles) for winter. In Central Europe where I am presently located, it is the only coniferous tree whose leaves fall off at the end of the growing season. … Continue reading “European Larch (Larix Decidua) – Conifer That Sheds Leaves Like Deciduous Trees”