Welcome back to another heartwarming journey into the enchanting world of European Badger cubs (Meles Meles) as captured by my trail cameras. This video is a Part II of the adventure with these adorable furballs as they continue to explore, play, and learn the art of being wild badgers in the heart of the forest. … Continue reading “Adorable European Badger Cub Adventures: Tumbles & Play – Part II”
Tag: Guitar Solo
Playful European Badger Cubs Taking Tumbles – Compilation of Trail Cam Videos
Get ready to be overwhelmed by an adorable spectacle of nature! My latest video compilation captures the mischievous antics of playful European Badger cubs as they embark on their nightly adventures. These precious little furballs, born to a proud Badgers, are at that delightful stage where their curiosity knows no bounds. Set against the backdrop … Continue reading “Playful European Badger Cubs Taking Tumbles – Compilation of Trail Cam Videos”
Badger Mother Still Looks and Acts Exhausted, Hyperactive Cubs Won’t Give Her Break
I’ve worried about the wellbeing of the Badger mother since she was first captured on the trail camera with the drooping head and the muzzle open. Seems she’s still not recovered, as she continues to show the signs of exhaustion, but I no longer think she may be sick. I think she’s just really exhausted … Continue reading “Badger Mother Still Looks and Acts Exhausted, Hyperactive Cubs Won’t Give Her Break”
One of Three European Badger Cubs Got Injured and Limps on Right Hind Leg
The three baby European Badgers (Meles Meles) are already being introduced to the world outside, but even though the sow lets them play on their own while she does work around the sett, they are still little and quite clumsy and unsteady on their feet. Perhaps that’s why one of them got injured and is … Continue reading “One of Three European Badger Cubs Got Injured and Limps on Right Hind Leg”
Badger Sow Is Worrying Me, Shows Signs of Being Unwell, Possibly Sick
The badger sow, mother of three beautiful and healthy cubs, started exhibiting the concerning signs of being unwell. I don’t know at this time what exactly is wrong with her and why she acts so sickly, but seeing how unwell she is made me worry. It truly gripped my heart watching the latest trail camera … Continue reading “Badger Sow Is Worrying Me, Shows Signs of Being Unwell, Possibly Sick”
Baby Badgers Come Out of Sett Again and Play on Their Own While Mother Drags Leaves Inside
The baby badgers seem to be growing fast. The mother badger recently took them out of the sett for the first time, and on their second day out, they already played on their own. On their first day out, the babies mostly stayed by the mother. Granted, one wandered away and the mother had to … Continue reading “Baby Badgers Come Out of Sett Again and Play on Their Own While Mother Drags Leaves Inside”
Female Badger Gives Birth to Three Babies, Trail Cams Capture Moment She Took Them Out for First Time
It hasn’t been all that long since the sett of the badger pair was visited by an intruding boar who sought to mate with the resident sow. It would seem the mating was successful, the sow got pregnant and gave birth to three healthy, beautiful badger babies. After my latest trip to the badger pair’s … Continue reading “Female Badger Gives Birth to Three Babies, Trail Cams Capture Moment She Took Them Out for First Time”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett
Not too long ago, a rare event happened at the sett of the badger pair which I have been monitoring for about a year, whereby a large boar intruded upon the dwelling of the pair to mate with the sow. The mating in fact took place and my trail camera stationed at the sett was … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow
After the intrusion of the large boar who sought to mate with the resident sow, the sett of the badger pair calmed down a little and things somewhat returned to normal. At least for the time being and at least so it would seem. Because winters now get colder than they used to and because … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow”
Injured Razorback Matriarch Brings Her Boar Family to Upper Scratchpost
The family of razorback wild boars (Sus scrofa) lead by an injured matriarch recently showed up at the lower scratchpost and used it to ease the itch on their furs. This time around, the same family turned up at the upper scratchpost and did the tree as hard as they’re notorious to. The video is … Continue reading “Injured Razorback Matriarch Brings Her Boar Family to Upper Scratchpost”