In the midst of the tranquil woods, where nature’s symphony gently caresses the senses, a tale of both sorrow and beauty unfolds. It was on one such serene day that I embarked on my routine stroll, seeking solace among the whispering leaves and dappled sunlight. Little did I know that my heart would be forever … Continue reading “Woodland Funeral for Juvenile Woodpecker Who Died Hitting Chainlink Fence on First Flight”
Tag: Bird
Compassion Transcends Species: How I Captured an Injured Common Buzzard to Save His Life
Step into the heart of the forest with me as I recount an unforgettable encounter that changed the course of a majestic creature’s life. As a frequent visitor to this natural haven, I had come to expect glimpses of wild animals, but this particular day would be different. As I roamed through the dense woods, … Continue reading “Compassion Transcends Species: How I Captured an Injured Common Buzzard to Save His Life”
Eurasian Wrens – Document of Development from Hatchlings in Ground Nest to Fledglings in Forest
Join me on an extraordinary journey into the heart of the woods, where I stumble upon a hidden treasure — a ground nest of the Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes Troglodytes). As an avid herbalist (and a passionate birder), I embarked on a daily hike with the intention of harvesting Ajuga Reptans, but little did I know … Continue reading “Eurasian Wrens – Document of Development from Hatchlings in Ground Nest to Fledglings in Forest”
All About Fledglings and How to Avoid Kidnapping Wildlife
The cute little bird featured in this video is a White Wagtail (Motacilla Alba). Once you start paying attention to how it constantly wags its tail when perched, the reason for the name is clear. This movement is very characteristic of the species, but White Wagtails have strikingly black and white heads. And this one … Continue reading “All About Fledglings and How to Avoid Kidnapping Wildlife”
Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses
Today I’m out harvesting Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – it’s a useful plant that’s edible, medicinal and abundant. It grows an extensive root system which easily breaks and when broken, it encourages the plant to grow more shoots, so you can’t really overharvest the plant. For this reason it’s known as Creeping Charlie in the … Continue reading “Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses”
Videos of Barn Swallows from Bird’s Eye Perspective Show Their Beautiful Plumage
The Barn Swallows ((Hirundo Rustica) are a familiar sight to many people. These amazing aerial acrobats are skilled in catching flying insects like a boss and over the centuries, have become habituated to living near humans. The birds migrate to warm climates for winter, but upon their return, they frequently fly above our heads with … Continue reading “Videos of Barn Swallows from Bird’s Eye Perspective Show Their Beautiful Plumage”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett
Not too long ago, a rare event happened at the sett of the badger pair which I have been monitoring for about a year, whereby a large boar intruded upon the dwelling of the pair to mate with the sow. The mating in fact took place and my trail camera stationed at the sett was … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow
After the intrusion of the large boar who sought to mate with the resident sow, the sett of the badger pair calmed down a little and things somewhat returned to normal. At least for the time being and at least so it would seem. Because winters now get colder than they used to and because … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow”
Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara) – How I Harvest and Use the Medicinal Plant for Health
I want to tell you about the herb which has a documented medicinal use going as far back as Ancient Greece or the Roman Empire. The herb is Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara). Coltsfoot Identification Coltsfoot is an early season plant which usually blooms between March and April. It’s perennial, meaning it grows year after year from … Continue reading “Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara) – How I Harvest and Use the Medicinal Plant for Health”
Eurasian Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) – Shy Corvid Who Mimics Buzzards and Other Birds
When I was filming the video about the Scarlet Elf Cup, my narration for the video was interrupted a few times by a call of a Eurasian Jay mimicking a Buzzard. I made a video about Common Buzzards as well. They are the most wide spread bird of prey in my part of Europe. In … Continue reading “Eurasian Jay (Garrulus Glandarius) – Shy Corvid Who Mimics Buzzards and Other Birds”