Compassion Transcends Species: How I Captured an Injured Common Buzzard to Save His Life

Step into the heart of the forest with me as I recount an unforgettable encounter that changed the course of a majestic creature’s life. As a frequent visitor to this natural haven, I had come to expect glimpses of wild animals, but this particular day would be different. As I roamed through the dense woods, … Continue reading “Compassion Transcends Species: How I Captured an Injured Common Buzzard to Save His Life”

All About St. John’s Wort – How to Identify + Health Benefits

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is a medicinal herb with centuries of documented use. It is a perennial plant with simple leaves and golden yellow flowers which form rich inflorescences. St. John’s Wort is widespread in Europe, Asia and North Africa. In contemporary medicine, St. John’s Wort is mainly used in the treatment of depression … Continue reading “All About St. John’s Wort – How to Identify + Health Benefits”

Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated

In this video I talk about Ajuga Reptans, a plant commonly known as Buggle or Buggleweed. This plant is edible and has a long history of medicinal use, but despite all its potential, it remains vastly unappreciated by herbalists and the general public alike. Ajuga Reptans Much as the Ground Ivy which I introduced to … Continue reading “Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated”