From Toxic to Medicinal: Discovering the Diversity of Springtime Plants

As the winter’s icy grip loosens its hold, a remarkable transformation takes place in the natural world. Delicate shoots emerge from the thawing ground, revealing a stunning array of plants that bring life and vibrancy to the awakening landscape. Welcome to “Spring’s Awakening,” a captivating video journey that delves into the enchanting world of plants … Continue reading “From Toxic to Medicinal: Discovering the Diversity of Springtime Plants”

Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated

In this video I talk about Ajuga Reptans, a plant commonly known as Buggle or Buggleweed. This plant is edible and has a long history of medicinal use, but despite all its potential, it remains vastly unappreciated by herbalists and the general public alike. Ajuga Reptans Much as the Ground Ivy which I introduced to … Continue reading “Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated”

Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses

Today I’m out harvesting Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – it’s a useful plant that’s edible, medicinal and abundant. It grows an extensive root system which easily breaks and when broken, it encourages the plant to grow more shoots, so you can’t really overharvest the plant. For this reason it’s known as Creeping Charlie in the … Continue reading “Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses”