As winter’s frosty grip begins to loosen, and the promise of spring whispers through the chilled air, a delicate yet potent bloom emerges to mark the transition. Meet the Mezereon, also known as February Daphne (Daphne Mezereum), a fascinating and poisonous shrub that defiantly blossoms before winter has fully relented, often before any other plant … Continue reading “Mezereon (Daphne Mezereum) – Poisonous Shrub Blooming in February”
Tag: Survival Skills
Greater Stitchwort (Rabelera Holostea) – Exploring the Folklore Secrets of This Medicinal Herb
Welcome to our captivating journey into the realm of the Greater Stitchwort (Rabelera Holostea), an extraordinary plant found flourishing beside a serene freshwater spring in the heart of the forest. Join me as I explore its appearance, identification, fascinating uses, medicinal properties, and the enchanting folklore beliefs it has evoked across various parts of Europe. … Continue reading “Greater Stitchwort (Rabelera Holostea) – Exploring the Folklore Secrets of This Medicinal Herb”
From Toxic to Medicinal: Discovering the Diversity of Springtime Plants
As the winter’s icy grip loosens its hold, a remarkable transformation takes place in the natural world. Delicate shoots emerge from the thawing ground, revealing a stunning array of plants that bring life and vibrancy to the awakening landscape. Welcome to “Spring’s Awakening,” a captivating video journey that delves into the enchanting world of plants … Continue reading “From Toxic to Medicinal: Discovering the Diversity of Springtime Plants”
Harvesting Young Stinging Nettle in Early Spring: A Nutritious and Medicinal Delight
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a plant known for its stinging leaves, but also for its numerous health benefits. These plants have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and modern science has confirmed their many health benefits. In this article, I will discuss the health benefits of stinging nettles, and why it’s beneficial to … Continue reading “Harvesting Young Stinging Nettle in Early Spring: A Nutritious and Medicinal Delight”
All About St. John’s Wort – How to Identify + Health Benefits
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is a medicinal herb with centuries of documented use. It is a perennial plant with simple leaves and golden yellow flowers which form rich inflorescences. St. John’s Wort is widespread in Europe, Asia and North Africa. In contemporary medicine, St. John’s Wort is mainly used in the treatment of depression … Continue reading “All About St. John’s Wort – How to Identify + Health Benefits”
Scarce Swallowtails Pollinating Field Thistle with Widow-Maker Creaking in Background
The Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides Podalirius) is one of the largest butterflies in Central Europe. It was once quite bountiful, but is getting rarer and rarer. This year is a severe drought year, but despite the growing scarcity of the Scarce Swallowtail, I see them from time to time on the meadows. On my latest run … Continue reading “Scarce Swallowtails Pollinating Field Thistle with Widow-Maker Creaking in Background”
Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated
In this video I talk about Ajuga Reptans, a plant commonly known as Buggle or Buggleweed. This plant is edible and has a long history of medicinal use, but despite all its potential, it remains vastly unappreciated by herbalists and the general public alike. Ajuga Reptans Much as the Ground Ivy which I introduced to … Continue reading “Ajuga Reptans (Bugle, or Bugleweed) – Edible and Medicinal but Underappreciated”
Magic Trick Using Milky Sap of Toxic Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias)
In this video I perform a simple, but fun magic trick using the plant called Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias). This plant is toxic and contains milky sap which can also be toxic to sensitive individuals. Consequently, it’s not advised to try the magic unless you are sure you will not have an allergic reaction to … Continue reading “Magic Trick Using Milky Sap of Toxic Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias)”
Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses
Today I’m out harvesting Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – it’s a useful plant that’s edible, medicinal and abundant. It grows an extensive root system which easily breaks and when broken, it encourages the plant to grow more shoots, so you can’t really overharvest the plant. For this reason it’s known as Creeping Charlie in the … Continue reading “Ground Ivy (Glechoma Hederacea) – Medicinal and Edible Plant with Many Uses”
Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa) – Hardy Bushes in Full Bloom
Even though I filmed this video very early in the season, when hardly anything else blooms, leastways not among the trees and bushes, Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa), also known as “Sloe” in England is all out. Yet in my climate, even though it’s technically already Spring, we get at best +6 degrees Celsius during the day, … Continue reading “Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa) – Hardy Bushes in Full Bloom”