The world of fungi is full of peculiar and fascinating life forms, and one such curiosity is the Dead Man’s Fingers fungus, scientifically known as Xylaria Polymorpha. This rather distinctive fungus, with its almost eerie appearance and mysterious qualities, captures the imagination of nature enthusiasts and mycologists alike. Here’s the story captured in the video: … Continue reading “Dead Man’s Fingers (Xylaria Polymorpha) – Exploring and Identifying the Intriguing Fungus”
Tag: Raised Beds
My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 02
After leaving the cardboard box with food scraps in front of the burrow of the injured badger as seen in the Episode one of the series, my adventures continued with me making preparations for a more substantial meal for the badger. I made sure I had everything ready to return to the location the following … Continue reading “My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 02”