In the depths of winter, when the world seems draped in a blanket of snow and the chill of the season is palpable, nature reveals its resilience in unexpected ways. Amidst the frozen landscapes, a peculiar organism thrives, defying the harsh conditions with its eerie presence. Meet Exidia Glandulosa, commonly known as Black Witches Butter, … Continue reading “Black Witches Butter (Exidia Glandulosa) – Hardy Fungus Which Prefers the Cold”
Tag: Mushrooms
Understanding Coral Spot Fungus (Nectria Cinnabarina) – The Scarlet Threat
Coral Spot Fungus (Nectria Cinnabarina) stands as a notable and widespread fungal pathogen, impacting a diverse array of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Identified by its vibrant coral or orange-red spore-producing structures, this fungus induces small, sunken cankers on infected branches, often accompanied by the exudation of a red, gelatinous substance during periods of … Continue reading “Understanding Coral Spot Fungus (Nectria Cinnabarina) – The Scarlet Threat”
Wrinkled Club Fungus (Clavulina Rugosa) – My First #shorts Video Ever
This is my first attempt at a #shorts video ever. I do not record vertical, so the original video is horizontal the way the human eyes are. I used Shotcut – an open sourced video editing software to cut the edges off the video to make it vertical for the shorts. I also trimmed it … Continue reading “Wrinkled Club Fungus (Clavulina Rugosa) – My First #shorts Video Ever”
Pipe Club Fungus (Macrotyphula Fistulosa) Emerges from Snow in Middle of Winter
In the quiet and often overlooked corners of winter landscapes, a fascinating organism thrives, defying the cold and snow. The Pipe Club Fungus, scientifically known as Macrotyphula Fistulosa, is among the lesser-known nature’s wonders, but its distinctive appearance and in this case, the ability to thrive in freezing conditions, captivated my attention. The vast and … Continue reading “Pipe Club Fungus (Macrotyphula Fistulosa) Emerges from Snow in Middle of Winter”
Dead Man’s Fingers (Xylaria Polymorpha) – Exploring and Identifying the Intriguing Fungus
The world of fungi is full of peculiar and fascinating life forms, and one such curiosity is the Dead Man’s Fingers fungus, scientifically known as Xylaria Polymorpha. This rather distinctive fungus, with its almost eerie appearance and mysterious qualities, captures the imagination of nature enthusiasts and mycologists alike. Here’s the story captured in the video: … Continue reading “Dead Man’s Fingers (Xylaria Polymorpha) – Exploring and Identifying the Intriguing Fungus”
Early Morel (Verpa Bohemica) Season Is Here – How to Identify This Edible Mushroom
Today I’m taking you mushroom picking and we’re after Early Morels. Alongside True Morels, Early Morels are among the first substantial edible mushrooms of the year (unlike Scarlet Elf Cups, which are also early season mushrooms, but very scarce and rather small, and thus unsubstantial). They grow in early spring and are delicious. They can … Continue reading “Early Morel (Verpa Bohemica) Season Is Here – How to Identify This Edible Mushroom”
Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – How to Identify and Use This Edible Mushroom
In this video you can learn how to identify and use the Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – an edible and tasty mushroom. As its name suggests, the Scarlet Elf Cup is a cup shaped fungus which features this rich, red, or scarlet color. The exterior is pale and dull, but the interior is bright … Continue reading “Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – How to Identify and Use This Edible Mushroom”
How to Identify Red-Belted Polypore (Fomitopsis Pinicola) – Shelf Fungus with Medicinal Properties
Fomitopsis Pinicola, otherwise known as the Red Belted Polypore, is a basiaiomycete fungus of the Fomitopsidaceae family. While its botanical (Latin) name refers to the conifers on which it predominantly grows, its vernacular name returns to the characteristic red band lining the outer edge of the upper side of the mushroom. Red Belted Polypore Identification … Continue reading “How to Identify Red-Belted Polypore (Fomitopsis Pinicola) – Shelf Fungus with Medicinal Properties”
Wolf’s Milk Slime Mold Growing on Old Tree Stump
On a walk through the woods where I live, I came across a slime mold known as Wolf’s Milk (Lycogala Epidendrum). Visually, this slime mold resembles a fungus, and it even releases spores like a puffball mushroom, but slime molds are eukaryotic organisms and not part of the fungi kingdom, even though back in the … Continue reading “Wolf’s Milk Slime Mold Growing on Old Tree Stump”
Alien Looking Mushroom I Came Across – Possible Elfin Saddle (Gyromitra Infula)
I take walks through the woods where I live every day. And every day I get amazed by the splendid variety of fauna and flora I encounter. Earlier this fall, I came across a weird looking fungus the likes of which I had not seen before. It almost seemed alien looking. I was pretty sure … Continue reading “Alien Looking Mushroom I Came Across – Possible Elfin Saddle (Gyromitra Infula)”