Fomitopsis Pinicola, otherwise known as the Red Belted Polypore, is a basiaiomycete fungus of the Fomitopsidaceae family. While its botanical (Latin) name refers to the conifers on which it predominantly grows, its vernacular name returns to the characteristic red band lining the outer edge of the upper side of the mushroom. Red Belted Polypore Identification … Continue reading “How to Identify Red-Belted Polypore (Fomitopsis Pinicola) – Shelf Fungus with Medicinal Properties”
Tag: Reishi
Science Proven Health Benefits of Cordyceps, Reishi and Ginger + How I Make Them Into Tea
In this video I demonstrate how I make a tea from Cordyceps, Reishi and Ginger. Below is the transcript of the text on the science backed health benefits of each – Cordyceps, Reishi as well as Ginger. Links to the cited studies will be at the end of the post: Cordiceps Cordyceps is actually a … Continue reading “Science Proven Health Benefits of Cordyceps, Reishi and Ginger + How I Make Them Into Tea”