Smiley Vixen – Fox Who Dug Den Beside Injured Badger Hole Finally Captured on Camera

The mystery of the newly dug den beside the sett of the injured badger, which had me scratching my head since I discovered it, has finally been solved. How It Started I have been going to the location of the Injured Badger’s sett for weeks, and filmed a number of episodes there. They became the … Continue reading “Smiley Vixen – Fox Who Dug Den Beside Injured Badger Hole Finally Captured on Camera”

Skittish Red Fox Returns to Injured Badger Hole and Briefly Enters It Again

Welcome back, foxy. Long time no see? Hardly any. It took you several trips to the Injured Badger’s Hole to finally pluck up the courage to stick your nose inside, but you bailed. You skittish fox, you… You stayed hesitant until some other fox carved new holes beside the injured badger’s sett to finally make … Continue reading “Skittish Red Fox Returns to Injured Badger Hole and Briefly Enters It Again”

Skittish Fox Finally Enters Injured Badger Sett, But Double Hole Mystery Remains Unsolved

The skittish fox who came to check out the injured badger’s sett several times, and one time was about to enter it, but skittish as he is, took off in the last moment, returned to the injured badger’s hole and finally entered the sett. This is the first animal entry into the sett of the … Continue reading “Skittish Fox Finally Enters Injured Badger Sett, But Double Hole Mystery Remains Unsolved”

Injured Badger Hole Saga Takes Unexpected Turn

My Adventures at the Injured Badger Hole saga went on for 14 episodes. I have concluded the adventure in Episode 13, but made one more episode in order to return the area to the state it was in before I started my attempt to save the life of the injured badger. That was it, and … Continue reading “Injured Badger Hole Saga Takes Unexpected Turn”