The dominant feature of Episode Ten of My Adventures at the Injured Badger Hole is a loud roar of an elusive animal. I speculate in the video that it could be a deer, as roe deer (Capreolus Capreolus) are known to bark like that, but alarm calls made by red foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) can also … Continue reading “My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 10”
Tag: Deforestation
My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 09
Day 13 at the injured badger hole turned out to be really nippy. With temperatures at -10 degrees Celsius and a heavy fog shrouding the area and thus blocking the sun, video recording with my palm sized Canon camera was a challenge. There’s no way to operate the camera with gloves on, and without gloves, … Continue reading “My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 09”
My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 08
Almost two weeks into my Adventures at the Injured Badger Hole, the reality really starts to sink it – there most likely is no badger anymore. As much as it tears my heart to admit it, the chance of the furry friend having made it are next to none. Due to his debilitating injury, the … Continue reading “My Adventures at Injured Badger Hole – Episode 08”