The baby badgers seem to be growing fast. The mother badger recently took them out of the sett for the first time, and on their second day out, they already played on their own. On their first day out, the babies mostly stayed by the mother. Granted, one wandered away and the mother had to … Continue reading “Baby Badgers Come Out of Sett Again and Play on Their Own While Mother Drags Leaves Inside”
Tag: Nature Lovers
Female Badger Gives Birth to Three Babies, Trail Cams Capture Moment She Took Them Out for First Time
It hasn’t been all that long since the sett of the badger pair was visited by an intruding boar who sought to mate with the resident sow. It would seem the mating was successful, the sow got pregnant and gave birth to three healthy, beautiful badger babies. After my latest trip to the badger pair’s … Continue reading “Female Badger Gives Birth to Three Babies, Trail Cams Capture Moment She Took Them Out for First Time”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett
Not too long ago, a rare event happened at the sett of the badger pair which I have been monitoring for about a year, whereby a large boar intruded upon the dwelling of the pair to mate with the sow. The mating in fact took place and my trail camera stationed at the sett was … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badger Pair Outside Their Sett”
Early Morel (Verpa Bohemica) Season Is Here – How to Identify This Edible Mushroom
Today I’m taking you mushroom picking and we’re after Early Morels. Alongside True Morels, Early Morels are among the first substantial edible mushrooms of the year (unlike Scarlet Elf Cups, which are also early season mushrooms, but very scarce and rather small, and thus unsubstantial). They grow in early spring and are delicious. They can … Continue reading “Early Morel (Verpa Bohemica) Season Is Here – How to Identify This Edible Mushroom”
Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow
After the intrusion of the large boar who sought to mate with the resident sow, the sett of the badger pair calmed down a little and things somewhat returned to normal. At least for the time being and at least so it would seem. Because winters now get colder than they used to and because … Continue reading “Trail Cam Footage of European Badgers After Early Spring Snow”
Early Spring Rain Draws Out Slugs, Dung Beetle and Fire Salamander
By looking at the calendar, one sees it’s the late April, so technically Spring. However the weather says it’s still Winter. It still freezes over night, and daytime temperatures barely hang above zero. Nevertheless, we just got an early spring rain and as I walked through the woods afterwards, I encountered previously familiar sights which … Continue reading “Early Spring Rain Draws Out Slugs, Dung Beetle and Fire Salamander”
Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – How to Identify and Use This Edible Mushroom
In this video you can learn how to identify and use the Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – an edible and tasty mushroom. As its name suggests, the Scarlet Elf Cup is a cup shaped fungus which features this rich, red, or scarlet color. The exterior is pale and dull, but the interior is bright … Continue reading “Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Austriaca) – How to Identify and Use This Edible Mushroom”
Sett of Badger Pair Intruded Upon by Large Boar Looking to Mate with Sow
I have been monitoring the sett of the badger pair for many months. The sett is a long hike away – about 8 kilometers on foot, first up a hill, then across a sprawling ridge with fields on top, and then through a distant part of the forest. It’s a whole day undertaking to hike … Continue reading “Sett of Badger Pair Intruded Upon by Large Boar Looking to Mate with Sow”
Compilation of European Badgers Caught on Trail Cam at Sett Entrance in Fall
This is the first video I produced which contains animal footage only, without my talking. I also kept the original audio recorded by the trail camera, without using a music track. If it looks like it’s more appreciated than the way I made my previous videos, I will make more of these. The video is … Continue reading “Compilation of European Badgers Caught on Trail Cam at Sett Entrance in Fall”
I Take Hike to Sett of Badger Pair, Trail Cam Footage Shows Them Active in Winter
I have been monitoring the sett of the European Badger pair (Meles Meles) for almost a year. This is however only the second time I documented my trip to the sett on video. The first document was part of the Injured Badger Hole Series, Episode 06. I made plans and announced the intent to go … Continue reading “I Take Hike to Sett of Badger Pair, Trail Cam Footage Shows Them Active in Winter”